What is the Best Way to Choose a Doormat?

The Fundamentals are everything.

A doormat's main purpose is to collect dirt and wetness from shoes and retain it in place so that it does not enter your home. Doormats can be attractive and add the ideal finishing touch to your entry, but what matters most is how well they clean. Matting of good quality protects your interior floor coverings from filth and damage while also reducing the amount of time you spend cleaning.

Each entrance requires two doormats in an ideal world. Your first barrier matting should be a scraper mat, such as a coir mat, to remove dirt and debris, followed by an absorbent mat, such as a washable doormat, to absorb excess moisture from shoes. You can put one outside and one inside the door, or both inside. If you can only buy one mat, go with coir because it scrapes well and absorbs well, but not as well as a washable mat.

It's all about scale.

Choose the largest mat that your budget and room permit. If your mat is too little, folks who walk right in without wiping their feet will only put one foot on it, and the next one will land on the other side of it, unwiped!

Inside the house, a large mat large enough to stand on while removing your shoes can be the perfect indication to urge persons who require a gentle reminder that they should remove their shoes.

To ensure that both feet make contact with the mat as many times as possible, you can turn the mat around and have it running in a portrait rather than landscape configuration.

Many people use cut-to-size coir matting to carpet an enclosed porch's whole floor, which is a wonderful technique to ensure your mat is large enough.


It's not always ideal to have a longer, thicker pile. Shorter pile mats offer a firmer brushing motion and are more effective in removing dirt.

Make sure your door can still open with the mat in place by checking the clearance.

Steps for Selecting and Using Doormats 

Debris and moisture tracked in from outside can damage flooring, necessitating more frequent sweeping, vacuuming, and mopping than would otherwise be necessary. The humble doormat is your first line of defense against dirt, grit, and debris being tracked in, and it's significantly less expensive than restoring damaged floors. It's also less dangerous than walking on wet floors. Doormats do not demand a significant financial investment, nor do they necessitate the attention of those who will use them.

All outside entrances, especially those with high traffic, should be matted. You may have doors to the rear or side yards in addition to the front, depending on your living circumstances. Ensure that everyone has a doormat. Mat entrances to the main part of your home from messy or unfinished places like a cellar, workshop, or garage.

Inside and out, a mat

Having two mats allows you to catch whatever is on the bottom of your shoes a second time.

Make an effort to mat at least four steps. Longer mats should be used both inside and outside such that the majority of individuals who enter will tread on each mat at least once with each foot.

Remove any heavy debris with a scraper. To remove and trap heavy debris, consider a mat with loops, brush-like threads, or a bit of grit in it for exterior mats.

• Install a boot scraper at entrances where there is (or will be) a lot of mud or snow, and urge people to use it if their shoes gather a lot of soil.

Soak up water

 Indoor mats are frequently designed to resemble carpet. Select fibers that can absorb water.

• In wet or high-traffic areas, make sure moisture is confined as well.

• Some mats are hybrids, combining the roles of absorbency and scraping. If you have a larger entrance, garage, or mudroom to the mat, uses these instead of a simply absorbent second stage or as the second of three stages.

Mats should be chosen based on whether they will be used indoors or outside.

• Select outdoor mats that are intended to withstand changes in weather and temperature.

• If your outdoor mats will be exposed to the elements, consider an open form that will allow water to drain rapidly.

• Select indoor mats that will not damage or discolor the floor underneath them and that complement the room's décor.

With the WaterHog Silver Entrance Mats, you can stop germs and bacteria from spreading on your shoes! Commercial Mats and Rubber.com have further information.